1,487 research outputs found

    Smart Contracts using Blockchain

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    The contract is the sovereign tool employed to manage agreements between entities in today’s society. It plays a crucial role in a variety of different fields, ranging from politics to finance. This fact implies the efficiency of these applications is determined in part by the efficiency of the contracts they rely on. Despite their important role, contracts have changed relatively little in the last few centuries and remain based on an outdated technology of bureaucracy and procedures done by hand. Such systems are full of unnecessary complications, are incredibly wasteful in terms of time, money and resources, and are susceptible to human failure. In the last few years, a type of contract represented by a computer program has appeared. This concept, known as a smart contract, is based on the emerging blockchain technology. Blockchain is a type of distributed system which assures the immutability of data via the use of mathematically secure cryptographic techniques and that, as will be discussed, is well-suited for the implementation of smart contract systems. Transitioning contracts into the digital era would not only allow them to catch up to the technological pace of society but also would be advantageous from a safety and efficiency standpoint. This body of work will test the feasibility of using blockchain-based smart contracts to facilitate the first steps of this evolution. This thesis assembles a proof of concept platform that supports the specification and execution of smart contracts on a blockchain network. This proof of concept will in particular target the use case of opening a bank account, aiming to create an efficient, permanent, reliable and safe process. To achieve this, we constructed a Hyperledger Fabric network. We present herein the system developed and discuss the nuances pertaining to deploying a codebase on a blockchain, the evaluation of our system, and finally some visions for further development of this and related use cases


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    O trabalho apresenta os resultados de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o Programa de Apoio a Planos Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais, mais conhecido pela sigla Reuni, na reforma da educação superior de nosso país. Embora essa política pública afete exclusivamente as Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES), nosso entendimento, compartilhado por outros pesquisadores, é de que se trata de uma reforma ampla, embora realizada por meio de diferentes dispositivos administrativos e legais, com parca participação dos principais atores sociais interessados no tema. No bojo desse processo emergem modificações profundas que impactam o papel estratégico da universidade no desenvolvimento do país, sua estrutura curricular e até mesmo a sua já solapada autonomia. Objetivando compreender essas transformações efetuamos a partir de um referencial crítico, a análise dessa política pública, contextualizando-a como fenômeno social resultante do desenvolvimento do capitalismo tardio, cujas transformações demandam a ação do Estado no sentido de ajustar as instituições às necessidades dos sistemas produtivos

    Questões de designação em torno dos têxteis chineses existentes nos acervos patrimoniais Ibéricos

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Analysis of interaction patterns - attention

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe attention, or focus, with which people perform their tasks has an important role on their success. Such tasks can be like study or work. Nowadays, our lifestyle can lead to a scatter of focus, especially when attending to several tasks or filtering loads of information, which in a laptop or desktop, can mean interacting with several applications simultaneously. This project will analyze and monitor the behavior of the users of desktop applications with the main aim to measure changes in user attention and focus throughout the day, and so, to know when a user is more focused and on better conditions to work. Leisure and work applications will also have an important play in this project, as the interaction with the laptop will be analyzed on both applications categories.A atenção, ou concentração, com que realizámos tarefas tem um papel importante na realização com sucesso das mesmas. Tais tarefas podem ser de estudo ou de trabalho. Hoje em dia, o nosso estilo de vida pode levar a uma dispersão da atenção, especialmente quando lidámos com várias tarefas ou informação, que num ambiente de trabalho pode significar interagir com várias aplicações simultaneamente. Este projecto irá analisar e monitorizar o comportamento dos utilizadores em aplicações com o objectivo principal de medir as mudanças na atenção do utilizador durante todo o dia, e assim saber quando um utilizador está mais focado e em melhores condições de realizar trabalho. Aplicações afectas ao lazer e ao trabalho também serão importantes neste projecto, dado que a interacção do utilizador com o portátil serão analisados em ambas as categorias.In order to be more productive at work, being focused is very important, as well as when studying or attending any other task. Nowadays, our lifestyle it can lead to a scatter of focus, especially when attending to several tasks, which in a laptop, or desktop, can mean interacting with several applications simultaneously. This project will analyze the behavior of the users of desktop applications with the main aim to measure changes in user attention and focus throughout the day. For this study data from a group of 20 people will be collected

    The economics of structured leasing

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    A structured leasing is a new and highly flexible transaction that develops synergies between funding policy, risk management of the underlying assets, and tax benefits. It is used in particular transactions involving complex and large-scale assets, such as airplanes, ships, industrial plant and equipment, and large real estate projects. As in other tax-based techniques, the implementation of a structured leasing transaction, either a leveraged lease or a synthetic lease, is more significant when the value of the asset is large and allows for a potentially greater tax benefits’ appropriation. Structured leasing creates value by increasing liquidity and funding, reducing the funding costs, allowing sponsors to attain greater leverage and to increase tax shields, improving lessees’ risk management, and allowing lessees to maintain financial flexibility, by improving or maintaining financial ratios. Although all of the above-mentioned economic advantages, structured leasing also has problems. The most commonly referred problems of structured leases are complexity, offbalance sheet treatment, higher transaction costs, and wealth expropriation. Besides describing the economic motivations and problems of structured leasing, this paper provides details on the characteristics of structured leasing activity and reviews the most influential papers, summarizes their results, and associates them with the existing empirical evidence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sem a tutela, uma nova moldura de nação: O Pós-Constituição de 1988 e os Povos Indígenas

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    Num balanço sintético, pretendo mostrar, contrariamente à crença dominante desde o indianismo do século XIX, que os indígenas não são apenas assunto do passado, tema para apreciação estética ou puramente filosófica, mas que a sua presença no Brasil contemporâneo é algo bastante significativo e que tem repercussões importantes para diversas políticas públicas. Numa parte inicial deste artigo, caracterizo o embate de forças no qual ocorreu a gestação do texto constitucional, acompanhando, a seguir, como tais dispositivos foram atualizados e levados à prática por meio de um conjunto de contextos e fatores políticos, nacionais e internacionais, que lhe agregaram sentidos peculiares e se encarregaram de atualizar algumas potencialidades dentro do campo de possibilidades instaurado pela nova Constituição. Em seguida, realizo uma breve análise na perspectiva da longa duração dos diferentes marcos jurídicos que visaram regulamentar a presença indígena na história do Brasil, apontando a originalidade da nova Constituição dentro dessa série. Por fim, dialogando com trabalhos recentes de interpretação do Brasil, formulados por um cientista político e um historiador, procuro demonstrar que a questão indígena propõe ao Estado Brasileiro questões de tal monta e complexidade que as soluções aí engendradas têm consequências muito maiores do que os próprios indígenas, afetando a estruturação do Estado e os processos de construção de uma identidade nacional

    Anti-bacterial surface protection for prostheses

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    This work aimed to study the application of multifunctional polymeric coatings on metallic and polymeric surfaces, study the drug incorporation and evaluate its release to prevent the formation of biofilms and the rejection of medical implants. This is particularly important considering that infections are one of the main reasons for prosthe-sis failure and that about 50% of primary implants are replaced or removed with consequent injury to patients and economic costs. Thus, there is a huge demand for improved short- and long-term durability of implants. Cellulose acetate was the material chosen due to its biocompatibility and its ability to retain drugs. Using the electrospinning technique, the surfaces were coated with membranes formed by fibres. These retain the mechanical properties of cellulose acetate and facilitate drug release due to its porous structure. This allows the release of large amounts of drugs, in specific places and in a controlled way. Thus, increasing the effectiveness of drugs and decreasing the chances of an implant being rejected. Work carried out includes mechanical testing of membranes and membrane adhesion to surfaces, drug release tests, and membrane swelling and degradation tests to simulate in vivo performance. Tita-nium and stainless-steel used in implants and flexible polymers (thermoplastic polyurethane) were the substrates studied, which had different surface treatments to improve adhesion of the deposited mem-branes. The adhesion of cellulose acetate fibre membranes to metallic substrates was very good, but it will be necessary to improve adhesion to polymeric substrates. The incorporation of drug in the fibres was successful, but the control of its release must be implemented in future studies.Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a aplicação de revestimentos poliméricos multifuncio-nais em superfícies metálicas e poliméricas, estudar a incorporação de fármaco e avaliar a sua libertação para prevenir a formação de biofilmes e rejeição dos implantes médicos. Isto é particularmente importante tendo em conta que as infeções são uma das principais razões para a falha das prósteses e que cerca 50% dos implantes primários são substituídos ou removi-dos com os consequentes danos para os pacientes e custos económicos. Assim, existe uma enorme procura de implante com uma maior durabilidade a curto e longo prazo. O acetato de celulose foi o material escolhido devido à sua biocompatibilidade e capacidade de reter fármaco. Utilizando a técnica de eletrofiação revestiram-se as superfícies com membranas forma-das por fibras. Estes retêm as propriedades mecânicas do acetato de celulose e facilitam a libertação de fármaco, devido à sua estrutura porosa. O que permite a libertação de quantidades grandes de fármaco, em locais especificas e de forma controlada. Aumentando assim a eficácia dos fármacos e diminuindo as hipóteses de um implante ser rejeitado. O trabalho realizado inclui testes mecânicos das membranas e de adesão das membranas às su-perfícies, testes de libertação de fármaco e testes de inchamento e degradação das membranas para simular o desempenho in vivo. O titânio e aço inox utilizados em implantes e polímeros flexíveis (po-liuretano termoplástico) foram os substratos estudados, que tiveram diferentes tratamentos de superfície para melhorar a adesão dos membranas depositados. A aderência das membranas de fibras de acetato de celulose em substratos metálicos foi muito boa, mas será necessário melhorar a adesão em substratos poliméricos. A incorporação de fármaco nas fibras foi bem-sucedida, mas o controlo da sua libertação deve ser implementado em futuros estudos

    Performance Evaluation of Class A LoRa Communications

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    Recently, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) have attracted a great interest due to the need of connecting more and more devices to the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). This thesis explores LoRa’s suitability and performance within this paradigm, through a theoretical approach as well as through practical data acquired in multiple field campaigns. First, a performance evaluation model of LoRa class A devices is proposed. The model is meant to characterize the performance of LoRa’s Uplink communications where both physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) are taken into account. By admitting a uniform spatial distribution of the devices, the performance characterization of the PHY-layer is studied through the derivation of the probability of successfully decoding multiple frames that were transmitted with the same spreading factor and at the same time. The MAC performance is evaluated by admitting that the inter-arrival time of the frames generated by each LoRa device is exponentially distributed. A typical LoRaWAN operating scenario is considered, where the transmissions of LoRa Class A devices suffer path-loss, shadowing and Rayleigh fading. Numerical results obtained with the modeling methodology are compared with simulation results, and the validation of the proposed model is discussed for different levels of traffic load and PHY-layer conditions. Due to the possibility of capturing multiple frames simultaneously, the maximum achievable performance of the PHY/MAC LoRa scheme according to the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is considered. The contribution of this model is primarily focused on studying the average number of successfully received LoRa frames, which establishes a performance upper bound due to the optimal capture condition considered in the PHY-layer. In the second stage of this work a practical LoRa point-to-point network was deployed to characterize LoRa’s performance in a practical way. Performance was assessed through data collected in the course of several experiments, positioning the transmitter in diverse locations and environments. This work reports statistics of the received packets and different metrics gathered from the physical-layer

    The impact of carbon source in Candida albicans virulence: participation of RLM1 in pathogen host interaction

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Genética MolecularThe survival of all microbes depends upon their ability to respond to environmental challenges. To establish infection, pathogens such as Candida albicans must support effective stress responses to counter host defenses while adapting to dynamic changes in nutrient status within host niches. Studies of C. albicans stress adaptation have generally been performed on glucose-grown cells, leaving the effects of alternative carbon sources upon stress resistance largely unexplored as well alterations in its virulence. In a previous work both copies of the RLM1 gene of C. albicans were deleted and phenotypic analysis of Δrlm1/Δrlm1 mutants showed typical cell wall weakening phenotypes, such as hypersensitivity to Congo Red, Calcofluor White and caspofungin, showing its involvement in the cell wall remodelling. To understand the role of RLM1 under the influence of different carbon source, phenotypic characterization against cell wall damaging stress agents, modulation of virulence factors as well as their involvement in host-pathogen interaction was preformed in the present work. Candida albicans Δrlm1/Δrlm1 mutant displayed phenotypes associated to cell wall deficiency such as, hypersensitivity to Congo red, caspofungin in glucose- and lactate- grown cells. However the RLM1 mutants were slight more resistant to Congo Red when grown in lactate. On the other hand lactate-grown cells were not able to growth al all in the presence of SDS and presented sensitivity to caffeine, in comparison with glucose-grown cells. The increased transcription of genes already reported to be involved in cell adhesion correlated well with adhesion and biofilm assays, in which RLM1 mutant presented greater biofilm formation than WT in both growth condition. However cell adapted to lactate adhered more and biofilm formation was more pronounced. The host-pathogen interaction was accessed by co-incubation with murine macrophages-like cell line (J774). In general, lactate-grown cells were less efficiently killed in comparison to glucose-grown cells. However the mutant presented distinct behaviors, they were more resistant when adapted to glucose than to lactate. The TNF-α and IL-10 were lower in response to Δrlm1/Δrlm1 mutant and the cellular toxicity, measured as extracellular lactate dehydrogenase activity, was significantly lower in comparison with the WT and complemented strains in glucose-grown cells. The effect observed before was reverted when C. albicans cells were grown on lactate. In conclusion, C. albicans cells adapted to different carbon sources behave differently, particularly in the interaction with macrophages, in which the RLM1 mutation plays a decisive effect since it affects the cell wall integrity.Os microrganismos para sobreviver dependem da capacidade de responder aos desafios apresentados pelo ambiente onde estão inseridos. O sucesso da infecção por parte dos agentes patogénicos, tais como Candida albicans, assenta na capacidade de responder eficazmente a stresses causados pelas defesas do hospedeiro e à adaptação a alterações constantes dos nutrientes no hospedeiro. Alguns estudos indicam que o crescimento em fontes de carbono alternativas tem influência na resistência ao stress e alteram a virulência de C. albicans. Em trabalhos anteriores, o gene RLM1 de C. albicans foi deletado e a análise fenotípica dos mutantes Δrlm1/Δrlm1 revelou que estes apresentam hipersensibilidade ao Congo Red, Calcofluor white e Caspofungina, fenótipos típicos de fragilidade na parede celular. De forma a perceber o papel de RLM1 em células adaptadas a diferentes fontes de carbono, foi feita uma caracterização fenotípica usando agentes que perturbam a parede celular, avaliada a modulação de alguns fatores de virulência, bem como a interação hospedeiro-patogéno. Os mutantes Δrlm1/Δrlm1 de Candida albicans crescidos em glucose e láctico exibiram fenótipos associados a deficiências na parede celular, tais como, hipersensibilidade ao Congo Red e Caspofungina. No entanto, estas revelaram ser ligeiramente mais resistentes ao Congo Red quando crescidas em láctico. Por outro lado, as células crescidas em ácido láctico apresentaram maior dificuldade em crescer na presença de cafeína, não tendo sido detectado crescimento em SDS, contrariamente às células crescidas em glucose que não apresentaram sensibilidade a estes stresses. O aumento da expressão de genes envolvidos na adesão célular correlacionou-se diretamente com os ensaios de adesão e biofilme, em que os mutantes Δrlm1/Δrlm1 apresentam uma maior formação de biofilme em comparação com a estirpe selvagem em ambas condições de crescimento. Contudo, células crescidas em ácido láctico aderiram mais e a formação de biofilme foi mais evidente. A interação Candida-hospedeiro foi avaliada através da co-incubação com a linha celular de macrófagos J774. Em geral, as células crescidas em ácido láctico foram fagocitadas de forma menos eficiente em comparação com células crescidas em glucose. As estirpes mutante Δrlm1/Δrlm1 apresentaram comportamentos distintos quando crescidas em diferentes fontes de carbono; em glucose os níveis de produção de TNF-α e IL-10 foram mais baixos e a toxicidade celular, avaliada pela atividade da lactato desidrogenase, foi significativamente mais baixa, em comparação com as estirpes selvagem e complementadas. O efeito anteriormente observado foi totalmente revertido quando o mutante foi crescido em meio com ácido láctico. Em conclusão, células de C. albicans a diferentes fontes de carbono apresentam comportamento diferentes, nomeadamente na interação com macrófagos, onde o gene RLM1 parece ter um papel decisivo pois afecta a integridade da parede celular